cup of coffee on table

WHAT IS A MACCHIATO: 8 Macchiato Recipes Inside

What is a macchiato? The most common answer is that it is a mixture of Italian and American coffee. But Australian macchiato is also a thing. And not just that, there are 7 types of macchiato coffees.

All your questions, like what is a macchiato, how do you pronounce macchiato, how does it taste, etc are answered here. Plus, there is some crazy information that anyone else might not tell you. I also lovingly call it “macc”, so do not be confused. Here we go.


The concept of macchiato is quite similar to Café Pingado consumed in Portugal. Both coffees use a drop of milk. Baristas believe that macc coffee was invented in Italy when some fun guys were trying to create something like espresso with a difference. They did basic tweaks and put a drop of milk in espresso to make our beloved macc.

Macchiato origin is often debated a lot because of the diversity in its flavors. I have tasted it at different European cafes, and the common difference was adding a drop of milk or more.

How Do You Pronounce Macchiato

Macchiato is an Italian word, which is pronounced as mock-e-ah-toh.

What Does Macchiato Mean in English

Macchiato literally means coffee with a drop of milk. In English, it means coffee with a hint of milk, and in Italian, Macchiato means stained coffee.

What is a Traditional Macchiato

The literal meaning gives an idea of what is a traditional macchiato. It is made with a teaspoon or two of steamed milk. The taste of dairy in a traditional macc helps boost the flavor of espresso but does not overpower it. You can say that a traditional Italian macchiato sits somewhere between espresso and cappuccino.

What Makes a Macchiato

If you ask what makes a macc unique from other coffees, I would say the diversity in flavor. Some people like a little more dairy in their coffee, but not cappuccino. They can increase the “stain of milk” in their macc. Some people like dairy in their coffee but not espresso. They can decrease the “stain of milk” in their macc.

What is Macchiato Flavor

Macchiato flavor is on the bitter side like an espresso with a hint of milk. The flavor of a traditional macc is somewhat bitter. You can add sugar or any other sweetener of your choice.

Coffees have never been confusing, but macc has turned out as an experimental base. I would crown Starbucks for being the macc scientist. I have seen the largest variations in macchiato coffee at Starbucks. They stick to the basic espresso and frothed milk recipe, then add hazelnut or caramel according to your choice. There are other variations too. The Starbucks caramel macchiato is a sweet treat. It is also not too bitter because hazelnut or caramel dominates the espresso flavor to some extent.

Detailed text about origin and flavor of macchiato coffee

How is a Macchiato Made

The recipe for macc is here too at the end, but just in case you are wondering how is a macchiato made, well it is pretty simple. Make a shot of espresso, then pour a teaspoon of steamed and frothed milk into it, and enjoy your fresh macc.

What is Espresso Macchiato

Espresso macchiato is the most popular type of macc. It has a rich and bold flavor and it is served in a small cup. Espresso macc is prepared with a single or double espresso shot topped with a teaspoon or two teaspoons of steamed and frothed milk.

Espresso macchiato has a strong espresso flavor with a little sweetness of milk, which also makes the texture thick. It’s lighter than espresso, which is why most people like to drink espresso macc as an afternoon drink.


100 grams of espresso macchiato has around 13 calories and 0.5 grams of fat that comes from milk.

The Many Types of Your Favorite Coffee

Now that you know how do you say macchiato (which I didn’t know for a long time), let’s expand the index with its types.

1. White Macchiato

White macchiato is a denser version of the traditional macc. To make one cup of white macc, you need one shot of espresso and 4 times the milk. Finish the topping with microfoam or just run your milk frother on the top for a few seconds. The flavor of dairy is rich in white macc and the texture is creamy.

What is the best time to drink white macc? My answer is that you should drink white macc in the morning. It goes well with afternoon snacks too if you have not had your lunch, because it is rich, creamy, and a little heavier on the stomach too.

2. Double Shot Macchiato

Double shot macchiato is made with double espresso, but you need to be very careful about measurements. A slight difference in measurements can totally change the flavor and texture.

Making double-shot macc requires preparing double espresso first. Start with 14 grams of coffee and temp it down well. Then make your double espresso with this tempted coffee. While your double espresso is being prepared, steam the milk.

Finally, take a tablespoon of frothed milk and add around 2/3rd of it to the top of your coffee. You can serve double-shot macc at this stage, or get a little creative.

This YouTube video by David Littlejohn explains how to make a double-shot macchiato.

3. Macchiato Latte

Macchiato latte is equally popular at Starbucks as Caffé Latte. The ingredients of both lattes are the same, but the art of crafting creates the difference.

The difference between latte macchiato and latte is mainly the flavor. Latte macc has a strong bold flavor of espresso that gives you the morning kick to start your day. On the other hand, latte has a more balanced flavor that remains consistent through the cup. It is prepared with 2% steamed milk thoroughly mixed with roasty coffee. The flavor of latte macc has a distinctive espresso punch because the creaminess of milk stands out from strong espresso.

4. Long Macchiato

Long Macchiato is one of the most loved coffees in Australia and New Zealand. It is served in a long glass, ranging from 220-260 ml. It is served in three layers. The first, bottom-most layer is 60 ml double espresso. The second or middle layer is of a teaspoon of hot or cold milk. The top-most layer is microfoam for a delicate first sip. Long macc is also called Australian macchiato.

5. Iced Macchiato

Iced macchiato is one of my favorite macchiatos. The flavor, texture, and aesthetic appeal of iced macc make it a showstopper.

Take a long glass, around 220 ml. Put many ice cubes in it and pour cold milk over ice cubes. Now around two servings of single or double shot espresso. Serve with peach cobbler topped with vanilla ice cream scoop and caramel drizzle. Can you already taste it?

6. Caramel Macchiato Upside Down

Any upside-down coffee means that the steps of preparing coffee are reversed. A caramel macchiato upside down is prepared by putting caramel on the bottom of the cup, espresso, milk, ice, and vanilla syrup on the top.

Are you supposed to stir a caramel macc? Nice question. If you do not stir upside-down caramel macc, the flavor sequence you get is vanilla syrup, cold milk, espresso, and then caramel. If you want a mixed flavor, then go ahead and stir your caramel macc upside down. Enjoy your coffee however you like.

How many shots of espresso in Caramel Macchiato?

A medium caramel macchiato has one shot of espresso, while a large caramel macc has two shots of espresso.

7. Double Espresso Macchiato Starbucks

Double espresso macchiato Starbucks can be prepared at home too. Pour two shots of double espresso into your coffee cup. Add a dollop of 2% steamed milk. Top with a little foamed milk. Double espresso macchiato Starbucks is a European-style classic coffee therefore, you need perfectly roasted coffee for making it.

Types of macchiato and recipe of traditional macchiato

Difference between Macchiato and Others

Macchiato holds a special place on the coffee menu. What makes a macc unique from others is the variety of flavors it gives in a single cup.

Macc vs Cappuccino

Cappuccino and macc require the same ingredients for preparation. However, we prepare both coffees with different quantities of ingredients. To make a cappuccino, you need to take equal parts of espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam. Making a macc requires espresso topped with a dollop of milk and little milk foam.

Macc vs Latte

Latte is more popular among people who like dairy-rich flavor in their coffee. Latte is prepared with a shot of espresso and almost double the amount of steamed milk. The amount of milk in macc is equal to just a splash. Its flavor is strong with espresso punch and just a hint of milk.

Macc vs Mocha

Mocha is set on an entirely different coffee bar. It is made with one part chocolate, one part espresso, and two parts steamed milk. Mocha is sweet with a beautifully blended flavor of chocolate and coffee. It offers a good variety in sweetness, and you can boost the flavors with caramel sauce, vanilla syrup, etc.

Making a macc is simple and the variety in flavors and textures is limited too. I reserve mocha for a sweet treat after a light dinner and macc for my morning caffeine punch. 

How to Order a Macchiato

Ordering a macc has remained a mystery to me for years. If I asked that I need a macc, I might be handed over a cappuccino or a latte. This has happened many times. If I explain that I need a cup of espresso with a hint of milk and milk foam, the barista secretly asks me if I need a macc. This obviously leaves me a little frustrated, because when I actually ask for a macc, I do not get it.

So, how to order a macchiato?

Different parts of the world have different identification for coffees. The barista might ask if you need sugar or extra milk, and from here you can go on.

However, a safe side to order a macc and be sure that you will get a macc is to ask for “espresso macchiato” or “traditional macchiato”. Asking like this should not leave your barista confused.

Best Coffee Grind to Make a Macchiato

A macchiato requires espresso shots as base. But a very common mistake that many people do is that they use store-bought espresso sachets to make specialty coffees, like macc.

Store-bought espresso sachets are good replacements in times of emergency. Like you have a party at home and macc is on the menu already, but you have not prepared the coffee base beforehand.

For a cup of macc that tastes heavenly, you must handle the coffee beans carefully. Here is a comprehensive guide on how you should handle the beans before brewing them.

  1. Start with grinding the coffee beans. The fresher your beans, the better. Ideally use a burr grinder to get fine grind for making espresso.
  2. Second step is to tamper the beans. Use a handheld tamper to make a small disc of the finely grind beans. Apply little pressure on the beans and twist the tamper to release pressure. Do not press too hard. Tampering the beans will increase efficiency of portafilter and increase water exposure to beans.
  3. Third step, make around 3.5 ounces of espresso from the machine.
  4. Make sure that you release steam from the machine before pouring milk in your coffee.

My Favorite Macchiato Recipe – Tried, Tasted, and Loved!

Macchiato recipe is the quickest to make if your portions are correct. Here is the 8th recipe that always turns out perfect.

  • Take 35-40 ml fresh single or double espresso.
  • If you want your macc sweet, add sugar at this point and mix in the coffee.
  • Add a tablespoon of milk steamed at 160 degrees.
  • Top with a little frothed milk.

Now that the cat is out of the bag, you have no excuse left to not try macchiato today. It is simple, easy, and quick. You will instantly fall in love with its flavor and rich appeal.

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